""" Class for working with SwissStocksExchange API """ import urllib import pycurl import StringIO import hashlib import re BASE_URL = 'http://www.swissstocksexchange.com/acct/%s.asp?AccountID=%s&PassPhrase=%s&%s' class SwissStocksExchange: """ API functions class """ def __init__(self, account, passwd): """ Initialise internal parameters """ self.__account = account self.__passwd = passwd self.__error_re = re.compile("") self.__value_re = re.compile("") self.error = None def _fetch(self, url, params): """ internal URL fetch function """ res = None curl = pycurl.Curl() curl.setopt(pycurl.URL, url) if params: curl.setopt(pycurl.POSTFIELDS, urllib.urlencode(params)) curl.setopt(pycurl.POST, 0) curl.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0) curl.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 1) curl.setopt(pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION, 1) buf = StringIO.StringIO() curl.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, buf.write) curl.setopt(pycurl.MAXREDIRS, 5) curl.setopt(pycurl.NOSIGNAL, 1) try: curl.perform() res = buf.getvalue() buf.close() curl.close() except: self.error = 'API request failed' return None return res def _get_dict(self, string): """ response to dictionary parser """ rdict = {} if not string: return {} match = self.__error_re.search(string) if match: self.error = match.group(1) return dict for match in self.__value_re.finditer(string): rdict[match.group(1)] = match.group(2) return rdict def _get_list(self, string): """ response to list parser, removes CSV list headers """ def f(x): return x != '' and \ x != 'Created,e-Voucher number,Activation code,Currency,Batch,Payer Account,Payee Account,Activated,Amount' and \ x != 'Time,Type,Batch,Currency,Amount,Fee,Payer Account,Payee Account,Payment ID,Memo' if not string: return [] rlist = string.split('\n') return filter(f, rlist) def balance(self): """ Get account balance return: dictionary of account balances example: { 'E16123123': '0.00', 'G15123123': '0.00', 'U11231233': '190.00'} } """ url = BASE_URL % ('balance', self.__account, self.__passwd, '') res = self._fetch(url, None) return self._get_dict(res) def history(self, startmonth, startday, startyear, endmonth, endday, endyear): """ Transaction history return: list of transactions in CSV format """ params = { 'startmonth' : startmonth, 'startday' : startday, 'startyear' : startyear, 'endmonth' : endmonth, 'endday' : endday, 'endyear' : endyear } url = BASE_URL % ('historycsv', self.__account, self.__passwd, "&".join(['%s=%s' % (key, str(value)) for key, value in params.items()])) res = self._fetch(url, None) return self._get_list(res) def transfer(self, payer, payee, amount, memo, payment_id): """ Money transfer return: dictionary example: { 'PAYMENT_ID': '123', 'Payer_Account': 'U1911111', 'PAYMENT_AMOUNT': '0.01', 'PAYMENT_BATCH_NUM': '1166150', 'Payee_Account': 'U11232323' } """ params = { 'AccountID' : self.__account, 'PassPhrase' : self.__passwd, 'Payer_Account' : payer, 'Payee_Account' : payee, 'Amount' : amount, 'Memo' : memo, 'PAY_IN' : 1, 'PAYMENT_ID' : payment_id } url = BASE_URL % ('confirm', self.__account, self.__passwd, "&".join(['%s=%s' % (key, str(value)) for key, value in params.items()])) res = self._fetch(url, None) return self._get_dict(res) def ev_create(self, payer, amount): """ Create e-Voucher return: dictionary example: { 'Payer_Account' : 'U123123', 'PAYMENT_AMOUNT' : '123.00', 'PAYMENT_BATCH_NUM' : '12345', 'VOUCHER_NUM' : 1112222213, 'VOUCHER_CODE' : 3232323232323232, 'VOUCHER_AMOUNT' : ''123.00 } """ params = { 'Payer_Account' : payer, 'Amount' : amount, } url = BASE_URL % ('ev_create', self.__account, self.__passwd, "&".join(['%s=%s' % (key, str(value)) for key, value in params.items()])) res = self._fetch(url, None) return self._get_dict(res) def evcsv(self): """ e-Vouchers listing in CSV return: list """ url = BASE_URL % ('evcsv', self.__account, self.__passwd, '') res = self._fetch(url, None) return self._get_list(res) def check(self, payee, payer, amount, units, batch_number, secret, timestamp, payment_id, v2_hash): """ Validates SCI payment confirmation data from SwissStocksExchange server return: True/False """ check = "%s:%s:%.2f:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s" % ( payment_id, payee, amount, units, batch_number, payer, secret, timestamp ) res = hashlib.md5(check).hexdigest().upper() if res == v2_hash: return True return False