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E-Currency Payment SystemSwiss Stocks Exchange Payment System

Switzerland E-Currency
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E-Currency Payment System
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Registration progress

Attention: it is strongly recommended to enter the real profile information.

For registration in the system it is necessary to enter your name. The Name can be any combination of letters. The Name is not a login to enter the system.

While completing registration it is necessary to enter the actual postal address of the user which is necessary for future communication such as notifications, money transfers or any messages to user.

It is recommended to indicate a telephone/fax number to use the SMS authentication service in the future.

In the "Account type" field it is necessary to define the social status of the customer being registered.

After the completion of the field "protection from automatic registrations", it is necessary to carefully read “Terms and rules of the system use” and then make a choice whether to accept or decline these conditions according to which a user can become the customer of Swiss Stocks Exchange.

Create an Account

1. To register for a fastmoney account (buy, sell, cash, trade shares, exchange stocks and currency directly), a simple sign-up at this link:

Click here to Swiss Stocks Exchange Fastmoney Signup »

2. To register for a general purpose account, fill in the fields, read and agree with the Swiss Stocks Exchange's Terms of Service and press the "Register" button.

Note**: Because of our newly installed system of high security to protect and process users' data in binary and encryption, a new page with form may popup for re-entry and double-check the user's information with second turing that prevents a computer automation.

Specify a name for your account. The account name will be displayed when someone is spending or receiving e-metal to this account. An optional description may be entered.

Account name
Examples: "Daniel's account", "ABC Car Inc".
Full name*
First name, any middle names, and surname
City *
Country *
Zip/Postal code *
E-mail *
It is strongly recommended to provide the real e-mail address as the account number will be e-mailed to it.

Choose the account type of your need.

Personal accounts are for individuals and Business for Commercial Companies.

Account type Personal Business

Passwords must contain both Letters and Numbers and be 6 characters long or more.

Password *
Retype Password *

For security purpose enter the turning numbers shown in the image.

Turing number *
Terms of Service:

I agree with terms and conditions.

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